Top 5 Striking Benefits Of Walking

Saqib Naveed
3 min readJul 8, 2021

If you’re looking for an alternative to expensive and crowded fitness centers; then there is no amazing exercise other than walking. Walking is one of the most significant exercises that helps to maintain your body weight, reduces chronic diseases, and makes you feel better. You just have to put one foot in front of the other and you’re good to go. According to some researches, 5000 steps per day are enough for a sedentary lifestyle and they considered 10000 steps daily as an active lifestyle.

Walking, in particular, boasts several health benefits but here are Top 5 striking benefits of walking that may surprise you.

1. Lightens Your Mood

Like other cardiovascular activities, walking helps to reduce stress and anxiety, an excellent way to get rid of all the negative thoughts. Walking releases natural pain-killing endorphins from the body that enlightens your mood and enhances your self-esteem. So, to improve your mood for the day, go for a 30-minute brisk walk. It will surely help to make you feel better.

2. Alleviates The Risk Of Chronic Diseases

Walking helps to alleviate chronic diseases, it improves blood circulation and brings up the heart rate that ultimately reduces the blood pressure. A daily walk of just 1000 steps daily can lower your systolic blood pressure even in old age. Also, researches have shown that people with a minimum daily walking habit had a lower risk of cardiovascular events. So, if you want to prevent these life-threatening diseases, long walks are the key.

3. Aid In Burning Calories

Another amazing benefit of walking is that it aids in burning calories just by improving your metabolism. Burning calories depends on a simple formula of the faster you walk the more you burn your calories. Well, your weight also matters in terms of burning calories but a brisk walk of 30 minutes burns about 150 calories for a person weighing over 170 pounds. It will eventually help you to maintain or to lose weight.

4. Helps To Boost Your Immunity

In the current pandemic, everyone is looking for ways to improve immunity, and walking seems to be a salient strategy towards boosting your immunity. Walking can ramp up our immune functionality because it enhances the number of immune cells to confront pathogens in our body.

5. Makes Bones Stronger

When you walk, your body carries all your weight, and it presses your bones to work against gravity. That’s eventually beneficial for bones because it builds your bones and strengthens them. Walking also helps in rectifying the loss of bone mass for people who have osteoporosis. Recent research has shown that a daily 30-minute walk reduces the risk of hip fractures, especially in women by 40%.

In a nutshell, walking is an appropriate fitness package for all fitness levels and ages. So, having these astonishing benefits of walking in mind, you should definitely establish a walking routine for yourself. It will also help you to accomplish other goals in your life when you’re physically fit and active. If you have experienced any benefits from your walking routine do share with us in the comments.



Saqib Naveed

A passionate writer, who writes articles on Lifestyle, Humanity, Marketing, Health, and Pets. I believe that "It is not what you write it is the way you write".